Thursday, March 20, 2014

Wonderfully Made

"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made" -Psalm 139:14

I've been reflecting on this verse a LOT the past couple days.  Why?  Lately, I've been comparing myself to my friends... ALL THE TIME.  And, I haven't been happy.  Looking at my cheerful, godly, kind, gently humorous, and always liked friends, I can't help but feel that my personality isn't good enough.  I'm confident, but that always seems to be taken as arrogance. I'm funny, but my sarcasm sometimes comes across as rude.  I'm caring, but it somehow always looks like I'm trying to get something in return.  I'm a Christian, but sometimes I slip up in my words, thoughts, and actions.  

I'm sure you've had similar thoughts, that you just aren't good enough.  That you can't ever compare to your friends or family.  But, those thoughts are from Satan.  Satan tells us that we can never be good enough, that people will never like who we are.  But God doesn't tell us that.  God says the opposite.  God tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

God made us who we are.  He knitted us together perfectly in the womb. On days when I just don't feel good enough, I could crawl into my turtle shell and hide who I am. But that's not what I was made for.  I was made to shine.  We were made to shine for Christ. If we're hiding our personality, our confidence, or our sense of humor, we can't bring glory to God.  Hiding out in our turtle shells says that God didn't make us good enough, and that's a lie. God made us perfectly according to his plan.  

Now, I'm not saying we don't have flaws.  We all have flaws.  But we shouldn't think that our personality isn't good enough based on what someone else's personality is like. God made us all unique, with different personalities and quirks. After all, it's our differences that make us who we are!  So, let's embrace ourselves and shine for Christ! 

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